
The Jane Ellen Experience Podcast Summary #18 Thu 04.02.09

Jim joined me on the podcast today. Right off we went to American Idol. The bottom three were Anoop, Allison and Megan. Megan Joy was the one who went home. And then there were eight.

Lost was about how Juliette was trying to save the young Ben Linus's life and needed Jack to help operate. Jack, with much the mindset of Sayid who had put him in that condition, refused. Jack and Sayid knew that Ben grew up to be a serial killer and weren't really into helping. Sawyer and Kate took him to Richard, leader of The Others, and that is how he became healed and at one with the island. We assume. We also found out that what Sawyer whispered to Kate before he jumped off the chopper was that he had a daughter. Kate went to visit her and her mother and gave them settlement money. Kate also gave Aaron, Claire's son who she had raised, to Claire's mom who did not know he existed. The best part of the entire episode was, of course, Hurley. He asked all the time travel questions of Miles that we had been asking. Starting by looking at his hand to see if he was disappearing which is a Back to the Future reference. Hurley and Sawyer do get all the best lines.

By the way, I had mentioned it the other day but was not label specific, the new foodstuff I discovered which I can never buy again is made by Peanut Butter & Co. and it's called Dark Chocolate Dreams. It is perfection. Let us not speak of it again.

Adam Cravens is planning to visit the podcast tomorrow. Because he has super hero powers he was able to see the new Wolverine movie early and was slightly underwhelmed. Bummer.

If you are looking for a way to stop eating cookies, here's a suggestion. Have sick child sneeze directly into the cookie jar. That spray in slo-mo really worked for me.

A woman in Florida had to call 911 because she was locked in her car. Locked IN her car. The dispatcher convinced her she could manually pull up the lock and get out. Locked IN her car. Still can't get over that.

Brien and I did go on a coffee drinking binge yesterday. It was glorious. I want to feel that good all the time. Jim says cokeheads and other addicts feel like that. Nah. I realize that at our last stop we probably acted like a couple of Friday night drunks. And there was a point when all we had to do was look at each other and we'd laugh. Hysterically. And the waitress at Maddux Station was wondering why we kept laughing each time she asked us if we wanted more coffee. And more coffee. Because we did. Vcast to follow. Unless the angle is unflattering. Then, maybe not.

And a bunny has been born with two noses. Each nose has two nostrils. Turns out, as a child, Jim often ate rabbit and squirrel and I suggested vermin and roadkill. I'm just sayin'. And yet, he has turned away non-gamey things I've cooked? So hard for me to accept.

And tonight, if you care, the last episode of ER ever, will air. Well, the last new episode. The series comes to an end tonight is what I'm trying to say. You know what else? I've never watched an entire episode either.

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