
The Jane Ellen Experience Podcast Summary #117 Wed 08.19.09

We geeked out today, Adam and I. It was bound to happen this week. Adam had much to say about gaming systems. My eyes didn't glaze over too often, as I suck at said games. But the Playstation 3's price has been dropped by $100, that would be the 80 GB and the 160 GB versions. Adam has all manner of gaming stations and today I found out what his favorite game of all time was. And yet, he's never seen the film The Last Starfighter. About a guy who, because of his skill at a video game, gets to help some aliens. Special effects-wise, a bit lame by today's standards, but a pleasant film. The CDC did a study and it seems the average age of gamers is actually 35, and many suffer from depression and a high body mass index. Huh.

Star Trek references pour out of Adam without even thinking and so we had much to say about it. Things we thought fascinating. Plus, our take on Jabba the Hut's poor decisions. Jabba is from Star Wars by the way. Two completely different things. Adam has an idea for a song that he wants to record with Brien Travis. Star Trek related.

Joe Jackson says Michael will be buried on August 29, which would've been his 51st birthday. He also gave the time and place of said private burial. Does the rest of the family ignore him or just feed him wrong information because he'll spill?

Tyra Banks says she will be without a weave, bun or ponytail on her September 8 show. Will that make you tune in?

Relaxation drinks are trying to cash in on the $13 billion dollar a year soda industry. They don't have caffeine in them. Their names are Drank, iChill, and ViB--Vacation in a Bottle. Oh, and Blue Cow. Or maybe you could try water.

I can barely put into words the level of nerdvana that Adam and I reached today so do make a point to listen www.thejaneellen.com click on Hear Jane. You can also read Adam's new weekly column called Geek Chic on the Entertain Yourself page.

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