
The Jane Ellen Experience Podcast Summary #139 Mon 09.21.09

Sarah McLachlan singing I Will Remember You was a lovely choice to frame all those television people who had passed away this year. She looked stunning and sounded ethereal as always. Loved that Neil Patrick Harris was sporting a Rick from Casablanca looking tux as he hosted the Emmys. It totally worked. Jim and I had quite the discussion regarding fashion. He pointed out that at any formal event men are in jackets and women are in sleeveless or strapless numbers. I explained it's not their fault. Designers think, I have concluded, that sleeves aren't formal. Which is ridiculous. Only women "of a certain age" seem to get a sleeve or part of a sleeve. There's nothing wrong with a sleeve here and there. A sheer sleeve, some lace, everyone doesn't have to have bare arms at all formal events. But go in a dress shop and the only things with sleeves are wedding gowns and frumpy mother-of-the bride dresses. Hideous. That's why I have so many of my things made for me. I like options. Plus, no matter how much weight I've lost, I still have upper arms the size of canned hams. One day plastic surgeon, one day.

Speaking of clothes, Beyonce is planning to play in Malaysia and the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party is already complaining that what she wears and does on stage is offensive. Which led to a lovely story about Brien's scandalous clothing and how he offended a religious group.

Friday, People Magazine will have their best and worst list out on stands. And they're just making up categories now like best accessible glamour and best hippie chic and so on. So I'm just that much closer. Like best dressed pretend celebrity or something. Hey, if they're making it up, so can I.

OOHHH, Dancing With the Stars is on tonight.

Jim would like you to count how many times I say "there's a tree in my neck" during today's show. There is no prize. Just click on Hear Jane www.thejaneellen.com. We tell a true story about a woman who survived a tree impaling her neck. She's just fine now. But the photo I saw. Aaahhhhh.

Well, today's audition I must be a rich woman. That's why it's called acting.

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