
The Jane Ellen Experience Podcast Summary #248 Wed 03.17.10

Happy St. Patrick's Day, or what's left of it. Adam and I had a lovely show. Listen and find out. I do believe I have heard great. Yes. I think amazingly funny was also said. Got a call from Irish Ray too. Was able to tie in the whole St. Patrick's Day snakes with the movie Snakes on a Plane. You need to hear it at Hear Jane www.thejaneellen.com. Got some comedy rolling.

Adam accused me of making up the words CookiePuss and Fudgie the Whale. But no. I was simply remember Carvel ice cream cakes. The commercials were classic. Honestly, Adam was positive I was making it all up. But mo, all real. No Carvel in Tennessee.

Anyway, it's almost tomorrow, there are clearly not enough hours in the day.

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