
The Jane Ellen Experience Podcast Summary #156 Wed 10.14.09

Ultimate fighting champ Chuck Liddell and Anna T are the latest to be cut from DWTS.

If you have committed bank fraud and are living it up in Cancun, perhaps you should not add a friend who is a former justice department official. And perhaps you should not post how you are having such a grand time on all that stolen money. Maxi Sopo will be extradited back to the US now.

Taylor Swift and Michael Jackson are up for five American Music Awards. Here's the deal, Michael's award nominations are for the album Number Ones. Which came out in 2003. Here's the deal again. Part of the AMA nomination process reflects sales and it's booming. So that would make it valid. On the up side, Kanye won't be interrupting him should he win.

Adam and I came up with what I think is a brilliant idea. During sweeps week, Kanye could just walk onto shows and make remarks. Or perhaps just movies on TNT or something. You know, throw him in digitally. That could prove to be hilarious.

Adam has had quite the time trying to explain Superman and Star Wars A New Hope to his 15 year old cousin. CGI and cell phones. Yeah, mid to late 70's things were different.

Thursday looks like Brien will be watching Lord of the Rings with me. You see I watched Nights in Rodanthe for him. Now Adam and I love LOTR. If Brien can't fake or feign mild interest, it could tarnish our relationship. I can't imagine him not loving it. I don't want to live in a world like that.

Ralph Lauren has fired 5'10" 120 lb. Filippa, that size 4 model that they digitally downsized, for being too fat. Wow. That's harsh.

And do hear our take on the deer attack. The good news is, the kids are alright. Go to www.thejaneellen.com Hear Jane.

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