What would Dumbledore do? Have you ever wondered that? Well, if thinking what would Jesus do doesn't get you to make the right decisions, a rabbi, well, I can see why the rabbi wouldn't go all WWJD, but anyway, www.whatwoulddumbledoredo.org is a real thing. Now, the guy who started it knows that Hogwarts doesn't really exist but says Dumbledore always did the right thing. So, that's the idea. I'm not opposed to ever doing the right thing so if Dumbledore helps you through it, have at it.
Jim and I applied the what would Dumbledore do theory on two news stories. Both involved nudity and stabbing. In both cases no one died therefore it could be laughed it. See, that's where what would Jane do comes into the picture.
One is where this woman came home to find her boyfriend watching porn. She accused him of cheating, kicked him in the groin and stabbed him. I can't believe a 24-year-old man would be watching porn to begin with. And I'm sure this incident will cure him. Jim said watching a movie isn't cheating. I say "reparo."
The other story involves two female roommates. One stabbed the other because roommate number one kept walking around nude all the time. Having lived in female dorms I can tell you, there was not a lot of that going on. No matter how often you see it in movies. Also, no pillow fights or sexy lingerie. Just letting you know. OK, I knew one girl who did walk around naked a lot. But her roommate didn't stab her.
By the way, Potter made $159 million at last count over 5 days. I'm not sure, but I think it will be a hit.
Paula Abdul might not be back on Idol. Same with Kara. Their contracts are not signed and sealed. See how I bring in obscure trivia that amazed me and Jim www.thejaneellen.com click on Hear Jane.
July is coming to a close. Be sure you register to win the Kimochis Toys giveaway on the main page. And everything has been updated. That means a new recipe, this one is for an easy and in no way good for you popcorn treat, plus a book review from Jim on Sesame Street called Street Gang, and a new gardening tip from Jay and more.
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